Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Welcome to Musketeer English!


My name is Mr. Parsons and I will be teaching English II and Advanced English II, in addition to Journalism, at Greenup County High School for the 2008-09 school year.

I look forward to working with some keen young students on some exciting projects this year...are you ready for a fresh and exciting way to approach learning English?

Keep your eyes on this blog for assignments, content, and writing related to our class!


Brenton Parsons

GCHS English Faculty


13kfunsize3 said...
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13kfunsize3 said...

The story "Black Man and Public Spaces" was a really great writing piece. I personally think that everybody gets judge,no matter what. I could kind of could understand why she would be scared. The reason is cause that in todays world their are a lot of gangs. So obviously everyone is gonna expect that a black man is bad news. But he was completely opposite. This story made me have a different outlook of people out in public places. It is not fair to judge no matter what. This was a good lesson not just for me not for everybody that judges even for the most littlest things about them. This poor mann always was at a place in the wrong time. That is really sad. All people have different enviroments that they live in. This was a good story.

An example I am very short for a tenth grader and I have blonde hair. People make fun of me and judge and probably say that I can't do a lot because I am short. Also they think I am really dumb but i have moments like everbody else. If people would just like talk and not be violent back or say mean things. This place that we live in would be a lot better.


i really liked the story black man in public spaces it pinpointed a lot of interesting facts such as all african americans who walk around at night wearing boots blue jeans and leather jackets especially in cities like detriot or manhatten are gonna be viewed as muggers ,murders, and rapists just because of the color of there skin and its sad . this guy brings this point to reality by telling this story. This guy was tormented during the day and was tormented all when he could not sleep because of it. This guy was judged right off the bat just because of the way he looked and sadly this very same thing happens to innocent African Americans all the time and its growing worse day by day and its not fair this story speaks out in very different ways first it tells the the story of how this man put up with what he put up with it also has a story behind the story as I like to call it what that means is it also tells the story of many others who have been in the same position that the man in the story was in and worse.

SLIM said...

"black man and public spaces"is a wonderfull writing piece. I strongly agree with the fact that people are juded differently, because of thier look and who they are.What I don't understand is why the color of your skin changes your whole appearance. The reason i say that is because black people is not the only race that has gangs and stuff. I see alot of people that are white that sells drugs and stuff.You don't hear people talking about them do you.

This story should make people understand what the race of colors go through. I think if would just give any body a chance to get to know them and act. The one thing about this story is that it can help people judge people in other ways.